The impact of bedwetting on mental health

Bedwetting can have a significant impact on a child's mental health. Sadly, as many as 1 in 6 children have a diagnosable mental health problem. 


Feeling Alone

Bedwetting children are often very embarrassed by their bedwetting and will go to great lengths to ensure that no-one else finds out. Although bedwetting is very common (at least one child in every primary school class is likely to wet the bed regularly), this means that a child can feel extremely alone in dealing with the issue. The secretive nature of their bedwetting can make a child feel very isolated and as though there is something “wrong” with them.

Bedwetting children often feel isolated and lonely

Anxiety and Depression

By isolating themselves from others, children find it harder to socialise and interact with their peers, causing them to become even more isolated and lonely. Bedwetting can make a child feel ashamed, embarrassed and isolated and can also lead to bullying. These feelings, compounded with the thought that they have done something wrong to cause their bedwetting, can spiral deeper into feelings of anxiety and depression.

Depression and anxiety in bedwetting children

What You Can Do

It’s important that children realise that bedwetting is not their fault. Bedwetting is most often simply a developmental delay of the link between the brain and bladder. Support your child through their bedwetting and talk to them about positive actions you can take towards becoming dry.

Bedwetting and mental health


Make sure that your child realises how common bedwetting is and let them know that you can take positive action towards achieving dry nights together. Support your child and help them to gain confidence in tackling their bedwetting issue. The Bedwetting Doctor