Fluid Intake: DOs and DON’Ts

DO make sure that your child drinks enough during the day – this table shows the quantities recommended by NICE

Recommended fluid intake for children


DON’T drink caffeinated drinks (like cola or tea), which can irritate the bladder

Don't drink caffeinated drinks


DO drink water preferably - diluted fruit juice or squash is also ok if this encourages your child to drink more

Do drink water preferably


DON’T restrict your child’s drinks in the daytime – it’s important that your child drinks enough to make their bladder strong

Don't restrict your child's drinks in the daytime


DO make sure that your child uses the toilet regularly (4-7 times) throughout the day

Do make sure your child uses the toilet regularly


DO let your child have small sips to drink before bedtime if they are thirsty, but it is better not to have too much to drink before going to bed (and don’t forget to use the toilet before going to bed too!)

Do let your child have small sips to drink before bedtime


DON’T forget that every child is different – the quantities they need to drink will vary according to their age, the weather and their activity levels The Bedwetting Doctor

Don't forget that every child is different