Why we recommend not wearing pull-ups when using a bedwetting alarm

You may have noticed us mention that we don’t recommend wearing pull-ups during the bedwetting alarm treatment. Why?…


All Part Of The Training

Many children will have been wearing pull-ups prior to their alarm treatment. The problem is that this gives them the message that it’s “ok” to wet, with little consequence. With a bedwetting alarm, part of the treatment process if for the child to realise the consequences of wetting the bed. It’s all part of the training for their brain to learn to control their bladder whilst they sleep.

Pull-Ups - The Bedwetting Doctor

Realising Responsibility

This means knowing how to reset the alarm, take themselves to the bathroom, change into clean pyjamas, and help remake the bed with fresh sheets. This process reinforces the message and actually speeds up the process of becoming dry at night. With pull-ups, this vital step is not possible and might slow down their progress towards dry nights.

Making the bed - The Bedwetting Doctor

Short-Term Pain For Long-Term Gain

Although pull-ups might seem beneficial in the short-term, by reducing the laundry load, the long-term gain (dry nights) is far more significant. Your child should feel happier wearing their own underwear with their bedwetting alarm, rather than “childish” pull-ups. No adhesive strips, or sewn-in sensors are required with the alarms sold by The Bedwetting Doctor, so your child should feel as comfortable as they do in the daytime.

Wear own underwear - The Bedwetting Doctor


Although pull-ups seem an easy option in the short-term, in the long-term it’s best not to wear pull-ups during the bedwetting alarm treatment. Whilst this might mean a bit more laundry when your child does wet the bed initially, just think of how much time and money you’ll save in the long-term when your child is dry every night! The Bedwetting Doctor